Monday, August 11, 2014

Patience, Etc.

Patient:  Content to wait if necessary; not losing one's temper while waiting.

My take is this: sometimes I have to hang in there and wait to let situations with people/places/things resolve of their own accord.  This is hard for me to do - as an alcoholic and as a man - because I'm a fucking brilliant genius who has the right answer for everything.  I don't have to know the question, for god's sake, to have the right answer.

And sometimes I have to take a necessary action.

The trick is knowing which is which.  That's the essence of The Serenity Prayer: Help me do what I need to do and help me not do what's none of my business and help me figure out which is which.

For me All Motion is Easier Than Calm Waiting.  Doing something - even if it's a terrible idea - is easier than being patient.

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