Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Bullshit Shitstorm

As long as I'm talking about powerlessness and family I may as well work some shit out concerning powerlessness with my family.  I think one of the interesting things about blood relations is that there is a lot of similarity in make-up and constitution and behavior that really complicates everything.  It's like getting two bullshitters together in one room.  One bullshitter is bad enough but two of them trying to talk to each other is a veritable bullshit shitstorm.

Your folks are like everyone else - they have good qualities and they have bad qualities, in varying degrees -  and they inevitably instill some of their characteristics in you, and then when you try to work through something you're dealing with people that have some of the exact same prejudices and viewpoints and defects that make you so irritating, and you're all stumbling around in the Hexagon of Death with sharp swords and flaming pitchforks trying to get the other person to do what they want themselves want to do.

A veritable bullshit shitstorm.

I've got a relative here in Vacation Town who has a flaming pitchfork collection.  There are antique flaming pitchforks.  There are flaming pitchforks from the far corners of the globe.  This kind of weaponry can be problematic in its own right but when she tries to use them on my very large, very impressive sword collection the whole Hexagon of Death becomes a very, very dangerous place to be.  There are jabbing pitchforks and slashing swords all over the place.

My relative has not proven to be reliable about honoring plans that she's made with us.  And I mean never being reliable.  I think I have maybe one flexible bone in my body - those of us who have German blood coursing through German veins aren't known for our light-hearted, devil-may-care, frivolous approach to life, and while I understand that plans change and people are late or have to cancel or call late to cancel from time to time when "time to time" becomes "all of the time" then I start unsheathing my swords.

I don't trust her to do what she says she's going to do anymore so I'm loath to make plans.  Most people back off after a while when they realize the person they're trying to manipulate is no longer playing ball.  I mean, if you ask someone out on a date like a 1000 times and never get a yes then maybe it's time to move along.  Good for you for being persistent but maybe it's time to ask someone else out.  My relative just keeps asking.  I'm all like: "Really?  Again with the asking?  Isn't there someone else you can try to unsuccessfully manipulate?"

I think you can recognize that it ain't going to happen and still be amicable with someone.  I love my relative and she's a very nice person but we obviously aren't seeing life through a similar prism.  I don't like country music; I've said I don't like country music; quit asking me to go to a country music concert.  Not only am I not going to go I'm going to dig my heels in even deeper like the stubborn, arrogant, inflexible ass that I am.  After a while I start turning down free lottery tickets simply because I'm not going to loose the mental manipulation war.

Is it any wonder I drank?

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