Saturday, October 20, 2012

Not Good, Dr. Pizza Boy

Bad:  Not good, not as it should be; defective in quality; below standard, lacking in worth; inadequate.

I believe that the topic at the meeting I attended this morning - an 11th Step meditation meeting - was death; or suicide, I'm not sure which.  I figure in 25 years that I've been to 6000 meetings and I'm being conservative with that estimate, and I've never been to a meeting with Death as the topic.  It was an interesting choice by the chairman, a man I've heard talk several times without being able to shake the feeling that he's an idiot. No word on what he thinks of me. Needless to say, I thought the meeting sucked.

If you've never been to a bad meeting you don't go to enough meetings.

I knew a chiropractor in The Old City whose license was revoked because of his drinking.  He needed to pay his bills so he took a number of jobs that didn't require any special training or schooling, one of which was delivering pizzas.  He showed up at a company one day with a large order for a party or celebration of some kind.  The receptionist picked up her phone, switched on the intercom function, and broadcast this message to the entire facility: "Attention, everyone.  The pizza boy is here."

My friend leaned over the counter and said: "That's Doctor Pizza Boy."

True story.

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