Thursday, October 4, 2012

Haste Makes Waste

Hurry:  To cause to move or act more rapidly or too rapidly; drive, move, send, force, or carry with haste.

When I woke up this morning They were gaining on me.  I don't know who They are and I don't know what They want.  They might not even be after me - They might be after someone else and I've simply gotten in the way.  I'm not sure They aren't any good.  They might be perfectly fine.  Still, I can't shake the sneaking suspicion that They're evil-intentioned, malignant beasts.

I like the suggestion that I should sit quietly with whatever pain or anxiety that may be striking me, real or otherwise.  I'm in such a big hurry to get the pain over with that I don't learn the good lessons that I need to learn.  It's a relief to sit and look the pain right in the eye and not work so hard at getting through it or around it or muscling it down to the ground.  It's just some pain.  Everyone gets it.  Most of it isn't as bad as we think it is.  Many times it leads to something better.  It's not such a big deal.  I'm the one making it a big deal.

I was able to gear down a little today.  I took some time on a few occasions and hung out with Them.  This bunch was a ridiculous little group of hilarious bozos.  They went away.  I didn't have to LEAP INTO ACTION!  Answers come to me when I don't struggle so violently.

"We relax and take it easy.  We don't struggle.  We are often surprised how the right answers come after we have tried this for a while."  P 86

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