Thursday, October 11, 2012

Easy Seaweed

Easy:  Free from trouble, anxiety, pain, etc.

Not.  Happening.

Easy on the eyes.  Easy in my mind.  A life of ease.  Easy come, easy go.  On easy street.  Where the hell is Easy Street anyway?  I think that I'm usually hunkered down at 1234 Difficult Way.

Easier:    Not easy, not hard.  Somewhere in between.  Implying that something hard is not quite as hard as it used to be but some hardness is still implied.  Not a Webster's definition, either - I totally made that one up.    

Easy-going:  Dealing with things in an unworried, unhurried manner; not strenuous or agitated.

Yeah, or dealing with things all at once, in a rush, without pondering or thinking because they have to be done RIGHT NOW or else TERRIBLE THINGS WILL HAPPEN!  Strenuously agitated.

Easy-mark:  A person easily duped or taken advantage of.

I can make anything easy a lot harder.  It's a specialty of mine: complicating things, taking a simple task and making it so very difficult. 

An elephant is a mouse built to an alcoholic's specifications.

Reasonably:  Not extreme; sensible; sane.

The Serenity Prayer suggests that a reasonable goal is to be: "reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy . . .  in the next."

Then there's this early version of the Serenity Prayer:  "Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other."

But wait!!  Mother Goose in 1695 suggests that:

For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.

I like the Mother Goose thing.  I'd take some advice from Mother Goose.  I'd take advice from any goose or gander who spoke to me in English or wrote something down on a scrap of paper that I could read.  An old conservative minister?  Not so much.

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