Monday, April 27, 2009

I Wouldn't Change a Thing

Change; Denotes a making or becoming distinctly different and implies either a radical transmutation of character or replacement with something else.

There sure are a lot of ways to look at change. I don't like any of them. The idea of change is not comforting to many of us. We like things just the way they are, even if they totally suck. My experience is that I would rather sit in my own muck than get up and move somewhere else. I like where I am. My muck and I have an understanding. The muck gets in my eyes and hair and mouth and makes me totally miserable and I'm OK with that. I'm used to it. It's amazing the amount of abuse I'll take because I'm afraid that I may end up somewhere even worse.

The only constant in life is change. The only thing that I have to change about myself is everything. There are a whole lot of irritating sayings about making things different. My sponsor reminds me that change saved my life a while back. I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't made that big change and quit drinking.

I assume that if things change they will change for the worse. My experience is that, with well thought out change made with the counsel of people who know me well, good things happen. Of course things didn't work out well when I was drinking. I made foolish decisions -- stupid decisions -- based on selfish motives. I was impetuous and short-sighted and narrow-minded, eager to benefit myself, unconcerned about the well-being of others.

The times, they are a'changin.'

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