Saturday, April 25, 2009


Complication: A complicated condition or structure; complex, involved, or confused relationship of parts.

I love to make things difficult. I can make anything really, really complicated. My specialty is to complicate simple things. I don't believe that simple is good. Anybody can do simple. It takes a profound mind to sweep away the detritus of a thing and discover its true inner essence. It takes a specialness that people like me have in abundance.

They say AA is a simple program for complicated people. That's why we avoid long suggestions. One day at a time. Let go and let god. Live and let live. If we go longer than five words then some idiot starts in with the analyzing and the explaining and the modifications. Don't drink, go to meetings, read the book. There's not much wiggle room there. I can't misinterpret those instructions. Those instructions are idiot proof.

I don't know why I spend so much time thinking about things that have no relevance in the Big Scheme of Things and so little time appreciating all of the simple gifts that are really important.

I'm going to go look at the flowers in my front yard.

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