Thursday, August 22, 2013

Trauma Ward

Traumatize:  To injure, e.g. tissues, by force or by thermal, chemical or other agents.

Day 1: Load Truck with crap.
Day 2: Drive 8 hours with overloaded car and overstimulated cat and over-everything wife.  Eat Subway sandwich and rest fitfully.
Day 3: Drive 8 hours to hotel in Vacation City.
Day 4: Unload crap from truck.  Pile crap up to crown molding in every room in entire house. (Ed. note: we have no crown molding which is worrisome).
Day 5: Unload crap from boxes.  Take crap from boxes directly to refuse bin.  Make note to self about the stupidity of paying to have crap moved 1000 miles.  (Ed. note: I did not throw away my precious, precious crap).

The phrase "I am never, ever, ever doing this ever again" has been bandied freely about the last few days.

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