Sunday, August 25, 2013


Disaster:  An unforeseen event causing great loss, upset or unpleasantness of whatever kind.  

Things are going so well here in Vacation City that I'm sure something terrible is going to happen.  I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but I have all day to leisurely come up with a whole array of disasters.  I'm good at this.  I'm good at disasters.  They rarely happen but I'm sure today is going to be different, disaster-wise.

When I was down here a few months back I got a call from Willie when I was out looking for places to live.  He was trying to be helpful, trying to make common sense suggestions about the search.  I interrupted him.

"Willie," I said.  "It really doesn't matter for guys like you and  me.  In a few months I'm going to be unhappy with whatever I've got."

We laughed long and hard.  Good laughter, funny laughter, not snarky, cruel, dismissive laughter where we're enjoying the misfortunes of others although he was probably glad it was me and not him who had no place to live.  I was only mildly interested when he went through the same thing a few years back.

"Truer words were never spoken," he said.

This isn't actually totally true for either of us but there's enough truth in it that we have to watch where we tread.

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