Monday, April 29, 2013


Uncertainty:  Doubt; the condition of being without conviction; ambiguous.

A little more philosophy today, unfortunately.  I enjoy writing about my car troubles and rampaging drunks and other minor occurrences more than my free-wheeling, wide-ranging, not particularly perceptive or clever or wise observations on life and spirituality, but really, what I'm trying to accomplish here is to work this shit out on electronic paper, instead of in my head, which is a dark and forbidding place.  I do have a great story about falling into the tub in the middle of the night but that'll have to wait.  And I got yelled out on the street yesterday for a parking job that some busy-body found objectionable, and I lost my temper.  That's a pretty good story, too.  It's funny when I act like an ass.

Uncertainty is a part of life that I don't enjoy much, being a control freak and a power driver and a guy who knows exactly how everything should work out for everybody and everything.  Nonetheless, it can be disconcerting.  Not knowing the exactly how I'm going to be denied things that I want or when undetermined terrible afflictions will visit me can be disconcerting.  It's like standing in the dark, waiting for some big dude to punch me in the gut; it's the waiting that's worse than the punch.

There.  That wasn't so bad.

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