Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Horseface Steve or Someone Else? You Make the Call.

Plagiarize:  To take and pass off as one's own.

I enjoyed my foray into plagiarism so much I think I'll do it again.  I'm thinking of adding some of my own commentary.  I don't know why I would do this.  I don't think I can improve anything.  I can definitely make things worse.  Sometimes I like making things worse.  I'm a good crisis manager.  I'll be right back: I'm going to pick a fight with SuperK.

10 minutes later: That was a bad idea.

The essence of experience is change.  Change is incessant. 

Doesn't this all sound like AA?  Blows me away.  How about: "The only thing you have to change is everything?"  How about: "Change is inevitable?"

AA or Buddhism?  You tell me.

Anyway, we tend to categorize experiences.  It is good, or it is bad, or it is neutral.

Good things attract us so we pursue them.  We call this "grasping."  If we feel nice we do whatever we can to hold onto that feeling.  Alas, it is elusive.  It eludes us.  It goes away and then we're frustrated and unhappy.

Bad things repel us.  We call this "rejecting."  If we feel bad we do whatever we can to push the experience away.  Alas, we cannot escape bad things.  It's part of life.  Sorry.

Most things bore us.  They're tedious.  we call this "ignoring."  We ignore most of our life.  That's where most things are happening, in the time between the good things and the bad things.  It's a shame we're so cavalier with so much of our time.

The direct result of all of this lunacy is a perpetual treadmill race to nowhere, endlessly pounding after pleasure, endlessly fleeing from pain, endlessly ignoring 90 percent of our experience.

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