Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Dark Side

I discussed depression with a fellow member yesterday.  I'm something of an expert on depression, apparently preferring it to happiness.  There's no other explanation for why I spend so much time contemplating The Dark Side.  It's easier to feed the funk than to look on the bright side of things.  Anyway, it's always a good exercise for me to talk about how I'm feeling because I often have no idea how I'm feeling or why I'm feeling the way I am or how to look at what feelings are dominating my life at the moment.

Much of the time when I'm depressed or unhappy it's due to some overt, identifiable cause.  If SuperK is unhappy with me or I lose a job or find out that I'm sick with some awful, incurable disease (which I shouldn't even joke about), it's perfectly normal to feel some disquiet.  I know the cause of my feelings and I can do something about it, whether that's changing my behavior or learning to accept how things are.

But some of us have more systemic problems that require more than analysis.  Some of us need counseling and medication to right the listing ship.  There's nothing the matter with this.  Nobody feels guilty if they get cancer.  Sometimes our bodies go haywire or produce things we'd rather they didn't produce.  It's not our fault.  

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