Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ulysses S. Grant

Take for Granted:  To consider as true or already settled.

As we get closer to The Big Move, it gets weirder and weirder.  The release of possessions has been relatively easy, including a house that has been my home for 8 years.  A little tearing away, a little tearing apart happens from time to time, but it's still just stuff.  Once it's out of my sight I don't miss it much.  It is odd how an seemingly insignificant thing can provoke an out-sized reaction, though.  A friend took all of our houseplants, for instance, and it was depressing watching some cacti go that I have had for years and years.

One of SuperK's friends said this to us: "I can't believe you're going.  I thought you two would always be here.  I think I took you for granted."

Isn't that the way?  Taking things for granted.  Several years ago I survived one of those winters where I had a bad cold followed by 2 weeks of the flu.  I was weakened enough that I managed to stay healthy for a week or two before I got another cold.  I was sick for about 6 weeks, more or less.  Spring saved me, eventually.  I remember how grateful I was to not be sick.  For a long time I was acutely aware of how good it felt to be well.  That passed, naturally, and I started bitching about something else.

It's pretty amazing to think that I have had an effect on people.  I made a difference.  I wasn't making much of a difference when I was drinking.  That's the hardest part about going.

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