Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Super Nice Guy King of the World Horseface

Stress:  The condition that arises when the mind overrides the body's desire to choke the shit out of some asshole who desperately needs it.

I took a phone call from my real estate agent today.  He was calling to check in.  He wanted to see how things were going.  Moving is very, very stressful.  While I realize it's a problem of prosperity, a problem I wouldn't be having if I was still drinking, the simple fact that I'm sober doesn't insulate me from stress and moving your shit to a new city is stressful.  This guy does this for a living and I'm sure he sees this all the time.  I, on the other hand, move infrequently and am always amazed at the uproar.

I've known this guy since high school.  He's a good friend although our paths don't cross all that frequently anymore, which is what happens when you start to get old.  I think I've behaved pretty well as we've navigated this process but the famous Horseface temper has come roaring over the horizon from time to time if I feel threatened, and I've felt threatened on a daily basis.  And because it's a business transaction he gets to see Money Horseface and not just Super Nice Guy King of World Horseface like everybody else who never, ever sees me behave badly.

I appreciated the call.  I talked for 20 minutes without drawing a breath.  It wasn't any different than taking a call from someone in The Program, really.  It was two people talking.  I like to make a lot of phone calls because invariably I catch someone who needs to talk.  They apologize for monopolizing the conversation.

If they only knew.

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