Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weeds and Termites and Monsters, O My.

Here are some concepts that you may find helpful when they're after you.  You know who "they" are.  Not the concepts.  The concepts aren't after you although my clumsy sentence structure in the lead sentence might have thrown you off.  The "theys" that I'm referring to are The Ones who want to do you harm.  Often they are nowhere to be found when I wake up in the morning, off tormenting someone else, no doubt.  Some times, though, there's a whole crowd of them lurking in the shadows, mumbling with malevolent intent.

This sounds a little spooky.  Really they are more irritating than dangerous.

Monsters have always been a good characterization and pretty self-explanatory.  I also like the visualization found in out of control vegetation, weeds, brambles, climbing vines.  Sometimes I'm standing on a freshly mowed lawn and sometimes I'm chest deep in weeds.

"How ya doin' today?" Sponsor Ken will ask.
"The weeds are about chest high," I reply.
"Roger that," he says.

I use termite infestation as well.  The Book has a great sentence about fear termites ceaselessly devouring the foundation of the new life we're trying to build.  We can't see them, but we can feel the destruction. 

Satchel Paige once famously said: "Don't look back -- something might be gaining on you."

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