Thursday, July 1, 2010

More People Ignoring Me

Ignore: To disregard deliberately; pay no attention to; refuse to consider.

I went to visit my parents this week. They had a meeting with a financial guy who helps them manage part of their savings. I have offered countless times to take a look at how they have their savings invested. I think my advice would be brilliant even though I have no training in finance and have never taken classes on anything relating to finance and do not work in the financial field. My advice on everything else is brilliant so I'm going to assume it would be brilliant in this area as well. I never, ever let a lack of training or expertise or experience stop me from providing my opinion.

It was a major coup to get my parents to even allow me to look at the numbers. In my family we didn't talk about money or sex or religion or politics or anything else even remotely personal. We didn't have too much to talk about most of the time. These restrictions pretty much limited our conversations to sports and when was I going to get a fucking haircut. I think my mother believes I'm going to seize control of their assets and force them into THE NURSING HOME! and use the money to live an extravagant life, buying up dozens of pork pie hats and bargain bin vegetables.

While I like money as much as the next guy, I'm no longer in its murderous clutches. I have learned that it's a fleeting and illusory pleasure most of the time, assuming my basic needs are met, with all of my pork pie hats and the like. Damn those Program People for helping me get my priorities straight. I could be living a shallow and deeply dissatisfying life amassing money that wouldn't make me happy if they hadn't stuck their big noses into my business.

Honestly, I wouldn't take $20 from my parents if I thought it would interfere with my zen-like ability to sleep the peaceful slumber of the dead, or at least the heavily medicated. Anyway, I thought the financial guy was reasonable and fair and honest. I left comforted and waited to hear from my parents before they made any rash financial decisions.

I am still waiting for the call.

MORE people who don't value my advice.

1 comment:

YouBig said...

Tom Shelton once named me " the expert" because of my mass (imagined) knowledge. I should have received countless honory doctorates but my number is unlisted.