Friday, October 2, 2009


Contentment: The state, quality, or fact of being contented; a satisfying or being satisfied.

I'm in a good spot right now. It's kind of freaking me out. I'm going to have to think up some scheme to wreck everything. I'm more comfortable with chaos and pain. I know how to manage things when I'm going down in a ball of flames, pieces flying off, the whole structure coming apart. Alcoholics, we're good at problems. Contentment is a whole 'nother story.

Every now and then I hang in a place where I'm content with what I have. My stuff seems pretty interesting. I'm happy with my stuff and my circumstances right now. I don't need anything else and I'm not particularly afraid that someone will get in and mess with what I have. This will change, of course. I'm not an idiot. Ironically, I have a couple of big things going on that would have been grounds for murder not long ago. Today it's like: "Eh." I don't have the energy to pound my little fists of rage.

Maybe I'll pick a fight with SuperK. That always spices things up.

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