Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Other People Are People, Too.

Considerate: Having or showing regard for others and their feelings; thoughtful.

When I was drinking I used other people for my own personal satisfaction. My relationships were based on a desire to feel better about myself. I never considered how my actions would affect anyone else. I was vaguely uneasy when I was manipulating someone for my own selfish desires, but I went ahead and did it anyway, then drowned the feelings of guilt and remorse in a sea of alcohol. I was that addicted to feeling good. I wanted to care about other people but my actions showed the real me, a selfish man greedy for more pleasure and less pain.

In early sobriety I still acted on these impulses but didn't have alcohol to mask the angst. As my sponsor says: "Sober up a drunken horse thief and you have a sober horse thief." I didn't acquire anything like real peace of mind until I started to change my behavior. And feelings of true concern for other people didn't surface until I practiced this unselfish behavior for a while.

I don't get to think about myself all of the time anymore.

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