Monday, May 4, 2009

Feelings! Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Feelings!

Analyze: To separate or break up (any whole) into its parts so as to find out their nature, proportion, function, relationship, etc.

Today I wonder why I feel like I feel. It's important to me to understand the exact nature of my feelings. I'm sure I can manipulate my feelings until I like them. I can nurture and grow my good feelings like a patch of Serenity Stan's eggplant and banish the bad feelings into the deepest reaches of darkest hell. I'm sure I can do this.

Feelings: When unqualified in the context, refers to any of the subjective reactions, pleasurable or unpleasurable, that one may have to a situation and usually connotes an absence of reasoning.

Today I see that I am trying to understand something that is, at its essence, incomprehensible. Curiously, that rarely stops me. Someone asked once what happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object. That one put me into the fetal position for a couple of weeks, sucking on a baby bottle full of Colt 45. Sometimes I just feel a certain way. It isn't because of anything.

Quit thinking.

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