Monday, May 25, 2009

One Day . . .er . . uh . . What's That Slogan Again?

Mull: To cogitate or ponder (usually with over).

The more I mull over our slogan of One Day at a Time the more amazed I am at the beauty of this concept. Mind you, I have been mulling this concept over for 22 years so I'm not a quick study in the mulling department. From day one people in A.A. told me that the key to a happy life was staying in the moment. Our literature is full of this suggestion; we make plaques adorned with the slogan; our trusted elders and twisted sisters and bad boys state the fact over and over. But I have to think about things. I have to try them out. "Don't stick that metal fork in an electrical socket, Horseface." How many times have I heard that? Not enough, apparently. I have a whole drawer of melted forks.

I have re-engaged with The Serenity Prayer after a long absence. I used to say it frequently, slowly savoring every word, trying to extract all of the meaning that I could from its three parts. But I got bored with that and started in on the free-form meditation. I thought that I could tame the bucking bronco that is my brain by sitting quietly and peacefully. I'm not saying no good came of this but it isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. The brain does not want to be tamed. It wants to run the show. It wants to buck.

Now I'm simply saying the words of the prayer over and over. I'm not thinking about it too much. I think that I'm just trying to jam up the works so my brain can't ramble off on its own. It's like turning up the TV to drown out the sounds of your kids. Your kids are still making noise you just can't hear them anymore. Maybe they get tired and wander off. Maybe my brain will just stop shouting at me.

It's worth a shot.

1 comment:

Jessica Ann said...

Excellent Blog today Mr. Twitter. I love the concepts and humor. I'm attempting to live the moment deal but my mind has been repeating faith without works is dead. My favorite mantra prayer is the 11th step prayer. Make me an instrument of peace. Thanks for the great words.