Monday, November 20, 2023

It's Not Me - It's Them

 "Those of us who continually strive for perfection may find we place incredible demands upon ourselves to do everything right.  The perfectionist in us is always looking for right, but we'll never find it.  There really is no right way or wrong way to do anything.  It's whatever way we choose."

My way is the right way.  Let's just get that out of the way.

"We can learn much from our past.  We can use our past as a jumping-off point for our present way of living.  We can look away from the negatives of the past and choose not to imitate or perpetuate such negativity."

I can assure you this: you will be unsuccessful in any and all of your attempts to change the past.

"The Program teaches us to look inward at ourselves, not outward at the effects of the universe.  Tonight we can look inward and survey the feelings we have.  We can choose to keep them, or let them go."

I'm gonna keep 'em.  And I'm going to look outward.  At you.  Yeah, at you.  I know where the problem is and it's not with me.

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