Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Be Nice, Goddammit

 "No answer is also an answer."  Danish Proverb

God always hears us, but sometimes the answers aren't immediate or guaranteed.  Sometimes the best answer is no answer, meaning we need to stay in an uncomfortable situation a little longer.  Perhaps there is something we need to learn that can't be learned unless we find it on our own.  God is probably omnipotent.  God definitely has a lot on his plate.  It's great when we turn to our Higher Power for answers but . . . c'mon . . . do we really expect the picayune crap we're praying about to be at the top of God's list?  Instead of asking for shit I want or to be relieved from the onus of shit I don't want how about being grateful for the shit I already got?  In my life there are so many examples of wishes that cannot actually be achieved but are there for the sake of me developing strong will and determination.  Grow, goddammit!

The Buddha says that compassion is the key to achieving a deeper level of morality.  He then asks why do we think we can help others when we ourselves are beset by wrong attitudes?  To paraphase: if we want to bring about the complete happiness of others it's necessary to become personally  enlightened.  We need to develop this altruistic intention.  We need to aspire to enlightenment.  Obviously I'm never going to get there and that's okay.  Just head in that direction.

Or in Alcoholics Anonymous speak: "What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.  Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will into all of our activities."  

See how consistent spirituality is?  All I have to remember is that my higher calling is to not be an asshole today.

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