Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Dude and His Dog

One of the cornerstones of my morning Quiet Time is a request that I be shown how I can be of service to another person.  I leave this wide, wide open, aware that the ways I can be of service are often routine and mundane.  I'm a Big Thinker - I like to imagine myself being of service in huge, public ways, not in the little kindnesses that make up so much of daily life.  Keynote address at the international conference of Alcoholics Anonymous or taking the time to learn a little something  about the young woman at the corner coffee shop who normally makes my drink.

I've mentioned the dude who has invited himself along on my post-meeting beach walks in the morning and that I wish he'd walk elsewhere with someone else.  I'm at great pains to emphasize that this is a perfectly fine dude.  The problem is that I don't think he's very interesting and that he's quite not funny.  Why is it that people who think they're funny aren't usually funny at all? "No, no, don't tell me another joke," I'm constantly thinking, preparing my shallow and fake smile, changing the topic as quickly as I can.  Now I'm not saying that I'm particularly fascinating or anything or that my analysis of his sense of humor is accurate, just that I don't think he's funny and that his presence on my walks is unwanted.  To be honest, I use that time in the morning to be by myself, to make phone calls to people I do like, or to listen to music.  Like most introverts the presence of another person - and it makes no difference who that other person is - ruins everything.  I'd rather be by myself than with someone else - even with someone I like, for chrissake - so this dude is really chapping my ass.

Yesterday I went to the meeting and the boring dude wasn't there.  Yesssss.  A dude-free walk was in my future.  Then, ruining my plans, at the last minute, literally while we were standing to pray out, there he is, strolling in.  I'm pretty sure that he came to the meeting so that he could meet up with me and then we could walk together.   He then made me wait for five minutes so he could go inside his house and get his dog saddled up.  I really like his dog which is crucial because I was really offended that I had to wait for him to return.  What a nightmare, right?  What an injustice, an imposition, a cosmic joke.

Later, as we strolled along - he turns back at about the halfway point so there's that good news, that and the dog - in the course of a routine question - I'm pretty sure he's never asked me anything about myself - he mentions that he wants to lose some weight and that he's been having a hard time getting started on a exercise program and that these morning walks with me have kick-started a daily walk regimen and for that he's grateful.  

God has these plans for me.  God answers my prayers in ways that baffle and amuse me.  For instance, there are a number of women at the meeting.  Why can't one of them decide to walk with me in the morning?  There are a number of people that I like at the meeting and some of them are these women that I just mentioned.  Again, why not one of them?  I'm grateful to my Higher Power for presenting me with opportunities to be of service - it's only that I'd like him to be more accommodating about  it.

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