Monday, October 30, 2023

Sitting In The Dark

 "Call on God, but row away from the rocks."  Indian Proverb

I was the kind of guy who sat in my room with the lights out and complained about how dark it was.  All I had to do was get up and flick a switch.  It reminds me of all the times I asked for help from a spiritual entity but did none of the work myself.  God isn't a servant.  God doesn't clean up for me.  Establishing a relationship with my Higher Power doesn't mean I'm going to build a dependency outside of myself.  This Power doesn't exist for me to make request after request for things I can do for myself.  I can ask for safety and guidance in the midst of difficult situations but it's up to me to take the initiative for my own safety and well-being.

Whenever I need guidance, peace, and strength I can call on my Higher Power as long as I'm making sure I take responsibility when it's warranted.  God works through me, not for me. 

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