Sunday, October 8, 2023

Salvador Dali Lama

 Here's the Dali Lama  . . . . 

Human beings share the same basic goals: we all seek happiness and do not want suffering.  There are two ways to create happiness.  The first is external (clothes, cars, houses, relationships, etc.).  The second is through mental development, which yields inner happiness.  However, these two approaches are not equally viable.  External happiness cannot last long without its counterpart.  If something is lacking in your  perspective - if something is missing in your heart - then despite the most luxurious surroundings, you cannot be happy.  However, if you have peace of mind, you can find happiness even under the most difficult circumstances."

He continues . . . 

"We must minimize anger and cultivate kindness and a warm heart.  Developing a warm heart ourselves can also transform others.  The central method for achieving a happier life is to train your mind in a daily practice that weakens negative attitudes and strengthens positive ones.  Many of our problems stem from attitudes like putting ourselves first at all costs.  I know from my own experience that it is possible to change these attitudes and improve the human mind.  With patience, and practice, and time, change will come."

There's a guy at my meeting who likes me more than I like him.  He's a nice enough dude he's just not my cup of tea.  I find him boring most of the time.  I'm not saying he IS boring but rather I FIND him boring.  Maybe it's me that's boring.  Don't give a shit  - the point is that he has asked if he can join me with his dog (who I adore) on my beach walks after the meeting.  These walks are precious alone time for me, earplugs in, blasting the blues or something in the heavy metal genre, looking at the waves breaking on the sand, occasionally running into someone I know for a brief conversation.  I really don't WANT to walk with him.  Yet . . . there I am each morning . . . asking God to show me how I can be of service to someone else.  Sigh.

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