Thursday, October 12, 2023

Don't Tell Me What To Do

 One of the great joys I have in Alcoholics Anonymous is running into other pig-headed people like me.  One of my little sisters in recovery uses the word "brat."  I love that word.  I don't call myself a jerk or an asshole or any other over the top words anymore - I was a brat and I am, occasionally, a brat to this day.  When the Keep It Complicated meeting lost half its membership to a splinter group it was interesting to see that the people who left were the "This is how you have to do it" individuals.  Personally, I'm not opposed to this kind of Program.  There are a lot of recalcitrant children in adult bodies coming into The Rooms who need this kind of strict, tough, rule-based love.  I was not one of them and I gravitate to people - to brats - who are like me.  I don't like being told what to do so much that I usually don't do what I'm being told to do even when it's harmful to me.  If I'm sitting in shit and you tell me to get up and move then I'm going to grind my assbones into the shit more firmly but if you give me a little time to watch you get up and move out of the shit onto dry land where you can wash off and get into some clean clothes I'll eventually figure the shit out and do it myself.

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