Monday, October 30, 2023

Another One Bites the Dust

I received word that a high school classmate a year younger than me recently died.  No cause of death was given.  My high school was small: my class had about 50 in it and there have been 3 deaths that I know of; the following class was smaller still and has had 2 deaths.  We're all in our mid-60s now so this is going to start happening more and more frequently.             

When I relive some of my experiences it's easy in retrospect to pick out who had a drinking problem.  Some guys who drank stopped once they got older, surprising me, and I'm sure there are some alcoholics I didn't know about who ran in different circles, but other than that it's not tough for a drunk to pick out a drunk.  I think it's the whole personality change aspect of alcoholism.  My mind was so hyperactive and it quieted down so quickly when I was drinking that I became a different person.  I was so relieved to have some relief from the anxiety and the racing thoughts that I almost went catatonic.  They just stopped.

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