Thursday, September 2, 2021

Change Everything

 Willingness:  Ready to do something that is not a matter of course.

Always a good topic, willingness.  The speaker brought up the passage from the Big Book where - in our attempts to calm newcomers who are uncomfortable with the idea of a Higher Power - we stress that willingness is like encountering a closed door: all we have to do is open it a little bit, peek through the crack.  Often we'll slam the door shut again - self-will running riot - but then the next time we can open it just a smidgen more.  Eventually a lot of us get through.  It's a slow process for all of us.

We learn how to think of others in Alcoholics Anonymous.  It's not our natural state of mind and not an easy process prying the focus off of ourselves.

Content:  Satisfaction; pleasure; contentment.
Happy:     Experiencing the effect of favorable fortune.

Happy?  Or content?  It's amazing how much we talk about this pursuit.  The guy this morning used the word "peaceful" to describe his state of mind.  I try to avoid the state of mind where I'm pleased I'm getting what I want or avoiding what I want to avoid.

Service:  The act of being of assistance to someone.

Service is providing what someone needs, not what I want them to have.  It's not service if I'm just doing what's easy for me.

Change everything!  All you have to change when you come into A.A. is everything.

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