Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Good Forgetter

"In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.  Confidence means to have faith in something.  We could not live without confidence in other.  When you have confidence in God's grace, you can face whatever comes.  When you have confidence in God's love, you can be serene and at peace  You can rest in the faith that God will take care of you.  Try to rest in God's presence until His life-power flows through you.  Be still, and in that stillness renew."

Confidence:  The feeling or belief that one can rely on something or someone; firm trust.

I have a good forgetter.

How do we handle our problems with grace?  That's the million dollar question.  How do we step back and look at what we don't like with perspective and patience?  It's easy to concentrate on what we don't like.

"How we alcoholics in A.A. got, or can we get, the resources to meet calamities which come to so many?  These were problems of life which we could never face up to.  Can we now, with the help of God as we understand Him, handle them sas well and as bravely as our non-alcoholic friends often do?  Can we transform these calamities into assets, sources of growth and comfort to ourselves and to those about us?"

Here's what the book says . . . The answer is in still more spiritual development.  When an honest effort is made to "practice these principles in all our affairs" then we do fine, that "when we are willing to place spiritual growth first" do we grow in more mundane matters.

"Dwell for a moment each day in a secret place, the place of communion with God.  apart from the world, and thence receive strength to face the world.  Material things cannot intrude upon this secret place, they cannot ever find it, because it is outside the realm of material things  God is close to you in this quiet place of communion.  Each day, dwell for a while in this secret place."

And here's what The Beatles had to say in 1965.  To be fair I believe Lennon was on LSD when he wrote the lyrics but it is stepping away from what you know and experiencing something elsewhere.

Turn off your mind
Relax and float downstream
It is not dying
It is not dying
Lay down all thoughts
Surrender to the void
It is shining
It is shining
That you may see
The meaning of within
It is being
It is being
That love is all
That love is everyone
It is knowing
It is knowing
That ignorance and hate
May mourn the dead
It is believing
It is believing
But listen to
The colour of your dream
It is not living
It is not living

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