Monday, August 23, 2021

Drink Coffee - You Can Sleep When You're Dead

Defiant:  Full of a disposition to challenge, resist or fight; someone who resists to conforming to what is asked.

"Belief meant reliance, not defiance.  As psychiatrists have often observed, defiance is the outstanding characteristic of many an alcoholic.  Children of chaos, we have defiantly played with every brand of fire, only to emerge unharmed and we think, wiser."  (Ed. Note: Children of Chaos would be an excellent name for a Serbian Black Metal band.)

When I drank/used I was a walking, talking garbage disposal.  If you could take it, drink it, or smoke it I did it. 

I heard this again this morning: "God speaks to me through you guys - God doesn't speak to me directly."  I've never been too comfortable with people who think God speaks to them directly.  They're usually pretty creepy people.  They're usually pretty entitled. It's like they're name-dropping.  So you think you're so special that God will only talk through you?  Goodness, how about that shit?

Drink lots of coffee - do stupid stuff faster.

"We are people who would not normally mix.  But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful."  I believe one of the great strengths of Alcoholics Anonymous is that people of all stripes and colors are tossed together in one big, chaotic melting pot.  If I had to sit around and listen to people who sounded like me all the time I'd gouge out my ears with a serrated grapefruit spoon.  When I was trying to get sober in Indianapolis I had a sponsor who would periodically pick me up and drive me to meetings in different areas of town, trying to get me out of my little privileged bubble.  I got to listen to people who didn't look like me or who came from very different backgrounds and experienced a different kind of upbringing - this stuff really helped me cement in the idea that I'm just one of the crowd.  I heard these people say good things.  I used to compare myself to everyone, deciding whether I was better than you (rare as that was I would look down my nose at you) or if I was not as good as you (and resent the person that you were).

Drink coffee - you can sleep when you're dead.

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