Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Some Stuff

 A new guy from NYC led our SoCal meeting today.  These thoughts popped up in the aftermath . . . 

He had to check with his sponsor because you can't lead a meeting in NYC until you've had a year of sobriety.  This struck me as pretty funny.  In SoCal you can pretty much do anything you want as soon as you want to do it.  I shared that I've lived in IN, Chicago, Cincinnati, Portland, and SoCal in sobriety and that one of my favorite habits is to return to the city that I've just left and complain about the meetings in the city that I've just moved to.  Think about it.  Consider the dissonance.  Apparently The Program is managing to survive without my input.

I often ponder the difference between Being and Doing.  I'm such a Doing guy.  I'm better at Being but is still strikes me as a lackadaisical approach to life.  My brain is always cycling forward to the next potential task.  Embrace the Boredom!  On Sunday I watched a couple of hours of professional football involving two teams that I could care less about.  I found it strangely satisfying.  Sort of like the feeling you get when you're getting over a bad cold and you don't feel great and you don't feel terrible, just sort of stunned.

Amazing to me how often people talk about Good V Bad.  I have to trot out my Pleasant V Painful screed, reminding everyone (if by "everyone" you mean "me") that I don't know how things are going to work out in the long run.  So often "bad" stuff leads me to a better place.

Denial of my disease.  Slow Progress.  Good things to keep in mind.

Gratitude.  I'm not familiar with the concept.  I need to look it up.

Gratitude:  Appreciative; thankfulness.  (Ed. Note: This is not a complex concept).

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