Sunday, December 6, 2020

Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations

Energy:  An intangible, modifiable force  (often characterized as either positive or negative) believed to emanate from a person, place or thing and which is (or can be) preserved and transferred in human interaction.

Many years ago a player from one of the sports teams that I follow signed with a different team.  He then spent some time publicly trashing the team I follow.  A reporter asked the coach of my team if he had any comment: "I don't discuss players from other teams," he said.  He wasn't rude or abrupt; he just didn't want to spend any time on things out of his control.  I've thought of this many times over the years.  It's a variation of the "Do you have a snake in this snake fight?" line of thinking.  If my snake is not in the fight then the snakes in the fight are none of my business.

My friend Suburban Bill has talked about Energy a lot over the years.  Good energy, bad energy, in people, in places, coming off of objects.  Being an incredibly literal, practical man, schooled in the hard sciences, I often rolled my internal eyes when the subject came up.  But I'm also a person who has learned to investigate new things, see if anything's there, and I've come to believe quite firmly in the whole energy aura thing.  I find that I can quickly pick up on bad energy coming from negative people and good energy coming from positive people.  

I was talking with a guy who does some work on my cars a few years ago.  We had just met, and I liked him immediately.  It was early in the morning and I was dropping my car off after attending my morning meeting.  He paused at one point and said: "Man, I'm really digging talking to you - all of this great energy is pouring off of you.  I feel jazzed."

That's what I want.  I want people to feel good, positive energy when they're in my presence.  I want to think positive thoughts.  This isn't always easy to do for a Problem Person adept at finding the negative in everyone and everything.

I went on to my Facebook page yesterday and found the "Fuck You, Reuben" character and de-friended him.  I'm not a big FB guy anyhow, but I simply don't want to see his face on my electronica.  He's a Bad Energy guy, an Angry Energy guy.  I'm in an existential battle with the forces of Evil on a good day so I don't see any reason to suffer fools in my life, fools putting out negativity.  I was going to say I like this guy well enough . . . but after yesterday he's got a hole to dig himself out of.  

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