Thursday, December 24, 2020

Avoid The Noid

 Random:  A roving motion; course without definite direction; chance.

Here's a thought: stay away from the bitching.  You know what I'm talking about.  You know how draining and deflating it is to be around negative people; people who can find fault with anything, with something.  I've found myself refusing to be drawn into political bullshit by saying definitively: "Nah, I don't want to talk about that."  There are people who are always tossing little probing comments out there that seem to me to be an attempt to incite.  Not going to bite.  Going to try not to bite, anyhow.

Here's another thought: be who you are.  It's just too fucking hard to try to be someone else and you're not fooling anybody anyhow.

One more: I can't live someone else's life for them even when the way I would live it is an obviously better path.  If I'm talking to some dude shooting heroin my inclination is to say: "Stop doing that.  That's a terrible thing to do" as if the junkie is unaware of that fact.  I don't know what that person's path is.  Maybe it's to OD on heroin.  Maybe it's to take the elevator of life way, way down before recovering and then being an incredible example to someone else.  I do not know what God's plan is for myself let alone for anyone else.

A concluding thought unless something else comes to mind while I'm typing this: Doubting the existence of God is no barrier to a spiritual experience.  So all of you atheists and anarchists and agnostics and fallen children you can stuff your objections into a sock, mister.  We're not having it.  We're not having any of it.

OK, I knew I'd come up with something else while I was only half paying attention to whatever it was I was writing about before.  A good prayer/thought/affirmation for your morning Quiet Time: God, give me the strength to whatever you have in mind for me today. 

Gimme Gimme Gimme!

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