Thursday, April 5, 2018

Vectors, Craws, Crops, and The Sanctity of Seaweed

Vector:  (Psychology) A recurring psychosocial issue that stimulates growth and development in the personality.

During the meeting today a couple of guys sitting next to me were sporadically talking.  They were low-talking, mumblely-like, but still they were talking.  I tolerated it, but talking instead of listening to the person who has the floor earns an elevated position on my Irritation Vector Scale.  It's bad enough that you are in essence saying: "Thanks for sharing from your heart but I'd rather cut-up with my buddy"  but the mumbling also creates a bit of a commotion that tends to draw my attention away from what's important; namely, thinking about myself.  That, and I like being OUTRAGED! at small things.  Big stuff I'm fine with but man, does that small stuff stick in my craw.

Craw:  The crop of a bird.
Crop: (Ed. Note: It's never good when you look up a definition that has a word that you also have to look up):  A pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds . . . used to store food before digestion, or regurgitation.

At one point I left to use the potty.  I did have to go potty but I really left because the guy that was talking is a real horse's ass, which begs the question: if I didn't want to hear what the horse's ass had to say why did I object to the activity that was diverting my attention?  Anyway, as a general rule I need to look at myself when someone pisses me off but this guy really is a jerk.  It really is him and I'm not going to investigate myself internally on this one, preferring to sit in judgement from my perch at the peak of my Mountain Top of Sanctity.   Unfortunately, like many jerks, he has a booming voice that easily penetrated the door of the bathroom so I could hear every goddam word that he said anyhow.

Sanctity:   Holiness of life or disposition; the condition of being considered sacred.  (Ed. Note: I'm tearing it up with the definitions here.  I'm four for fucking four).

Anyway, my friend came over after I returned from the potty to ask if I left because his talking was irritating me.  I was impressed at his self-awareness.  I assured him it was strictly a potty break - lying in a low-key fashion, avoiding the topic of avoiding the voice of the horse's ass  - but I thanked him for the apology.  I need to look him up at my next meeting - this is a guy who bounced in and out, half-assing The Program, not working The Steps, before he really began to investigate The Solution, so this kind of palpable growth is heartening.  It shows me that he's continuing to make strides.  Some of the stuff comes to us slowly.  I know I didn't spring from the womb fully formed - I had to learn as I moved forward.

The key was the forward locomotion.

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