Friday, April 20, 2018

I Think I've Spent All My Bile

Some more general thoughts about illness and injury . . . 

1.  If something hurts then try to manipulate that thing to keep the pain in the forefront.  This is particularly helpful when you've reached a steady state where you can't actually feel the pain but that you have a sneaking fucking suspicion that the pain is still there, lurking just under the surface, ready to spring into action if you apply the correct force, torque, or pressure to the injured thing.

You can do it.  You know you can.  Find your inner discomfort.   FOCUS on it!

Practical Example: Sore tooth.  You have 32 teeth so if you have 1 sore tooth that means you have 31 teeth that aren't sore.   Use your tongue to probe the sore tooth repeatedly, whether it hurts or not.  More force is recommended.  If it doesn't hurt don't get discouraged - come back a little later and try, try again until the pain is reactivated.  The tooth has not healed - no, never.  The pain is simply dormant, hibernating, waiting to spring back into action.

“I don't see why there should be a point where everyone decides you're too old.  I'm not too old, and until I decide I'm too old I'll never be too fucking old.”  Lenny Kilmister of Motorhead

2.  If you injure yourself or get sick it's important to remember the Never/Forever Rule.  It will Never heal and you will feel like this Forever.  Always is also a good word to keep in mind.  And in this general milleau it's helpful to understand that YOU are the ONLY person who has ever had a difficulty like this and NO ONE ELSE understands what you're going through.  You are very, very special.

I'd like to add that the Never/Forever/Always Rule can be effectively applied to almost anything that you really like or really don't like.  As we say often around the Seaweed household: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen . . . 

There is no difference between an old man and a young man as long as they are both sitting down."  Mark Twain

3.  Complaining is important.  It makes you feel better and it makes you popular with others.  Don't you enjoy being around people who are always bitching about this or that?

I'd like to note that I complained about my knee with my neighbor who is going in for knee REPLACEMENT surgery.  My chutzpah knows no bounds.

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