Monday, February 27, 2017

Trudge The Happy Road To Destiny

Trudge:  To walk wearily, with heavy, slow steps.

Trudge: The slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in his life except the impulse to simply soldier on." 
(Chaucer, "A Knight's Tale")

I want what I want and I don't want what I don't want.  Everything should go my way.  Everything should go according to plan.  Learning should be a painless experience.  I want to grow magically - I don't want to grow as the result of having successfully navigated some uncomfortable growth experience.  AFGO - Another Fucking Growth Opportunity.  I do indeed know the future.  I do indeed know what's best for everyone.  If y'all just did what I wanted you to do then everyone would be happy.  If I could just set the scene and have everyone follow my direction then life would move along smoothly.

Sometimes I have to keep moving forward and know that everything is going to work out in the long run.  I don't expect anyone to solve my riddles or answer my questions or explain things away.  Sometimes I have to lower my head and keep trudging forward, into the rain, into a strong headwind.

Two recovering alcoholics attend a funeral of an old college classmate.  They pay their respects to the man's wife and inquire as to the cause of his death.

"It was the drink," she said.  "Alcohol.  Alcohol killed him."

"Oh, that's terrible," one of the men said.  "Did he ever try AA?"

She shook her head.

"Oh, no," she replied firmly.  "He never got that bad."

I feel ya, sister.

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