Friday, February 3, 2017

A Mistake Pitch

Mistake:  An error; a blunder; (baseball) a pitch which was intended to be pitched in a hard to hit location, but instead ends up in an easy to hit place.

Some random musings, none of which add up to a full-throated scream of a blog, but aren't anything to sniff about, either.

Seek god - serve others.  Could I make a good run of it basing my whole existence on those four words?  I'd throw my hat into the ring that I could.  I don't think I need much more than that.

Should we really be afraid of making mistakes?  I say: "NO!"  I say flush that fear down the spit sink.  Embrace the Mistake, which would be an excellent name for a rock band.  This is why I continue to maintain that I regret very little.  I think that trying to live a mistake free life is a big mistake.  Nobody knows shit about how anything is going to work out.  My basic goal for each day is to try not to be too big of an asshole.

I wish everyone would shut up for a while and listen to someone else talk.  I believe this is one of the greatest strengths of The Fellowship, this willingness to consider different ways of doing things.  Our literature is full of phrases like "people who wouldn't ordinarily mix."  This is why we're pretty tough. 

When I was a sales dude one of the things I got very good at was perceiving when someone was far more interested in talking than in listening to what I had to say.  I'm not saying I had anything worthwhile to say but even if I did I knew when the other guy wasn't going to listen to it.  I could watch the mouth muscles tighten, the sharp intake of breath which was held just until I shut my yap, and then the words spilled out.  I could almost see an alphabet soup of language sloshing around in the person's mouth.  Sometimes they never got to the point where they listened to anything.

So . . . listen up, people.

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