Monday, February 6, 2017

The Insufferables

There's a long-timer who's almost always at my morning meeting and this guy irritates the hell out of me.  Really, he fries my ass.

Intolerable:  Not tolerable; not capable of being borne or endured; insufferable; insupportable; unbearable; extremely offensive or insulting.

(Ed Note: I like the phrase "not capable of being borne or endured."  That's a high bar to clear.  When I was a kid we bandied about the phrase "beyond belief."  Same idea - so amazing that it can't be believed.  You can't even consider it as true.)

Yeah, yeah, I know - treat him as I would a sick friend and any criticism I make is a criticism of god's handiwork and what do I see in him that I don't like about myself and pray for him every day for two weeks blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.  I STILL can't stand this guy.  I mean I REALLY can't stand him.  He is, in my opinion, the poster child for the term "Bleeding Deacon" which is a really Bleeding Deaconish attitude on my part.

I repeat myself: The Bleeding Deacons would be an excellent name for a rock group.

"Will you welcome . . . from Vacation City . . . The Bleeding Deacons!!"

I continue to work on my tolerance of other people, places, and things, even the ones I find totally intolerable.  The problem as I see it is that I'm virtually without fault and even when a small fault pops up it's here today and gone tomorrow.

Also, I never lie.

And I think The Insufferables or The Unbearables or The Insufferables would all be excellent names for rock groups.

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