Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Sounds of Seaweed Silence

Opinion:  A belief a person has formed about a topic or issue.
Advice:  An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed.
(Ed. Note:  Do you see the word "fact" anywhere in those two definitions?  You do not.)

Nobody wants my opinion.  Even when someone asks me for my opinion - when they say: "What is your opinion about what I should do here?" - they still don't want my opinion.  If someone is sitting across from me, clearly articulating a ridiculous view of life and how it should be competently navigated, an plan so likely to fail immediately that an idiot like me can shoot a billion holes in it with a gun that doesn't have a trigger or any bullets, THEY DO NOT WANT MY OPINION.

I have no idea why this is so hard for me to retain, although I am better at keeping my opinions to my self.  Most of the time people just want to talk things out, to hear their own voice lay down a plan.  Now, of course, I'm not talking about someone detailing a scheme to rob a local bank - a discussion that would elicit an immediate response from me - rather someone kicking around a few perfectly reasonable options.  Today I try to listen.  I try to ask questions that may help to open up different avenues of consideration.  

Today I try to keep my fucking mouth shut.

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