Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Five Year Old Seaweed

When I contemplate a problem my goal is to make the problem go away.  It isn't to learn from the problem.  I have no interest in gaining any perspective in my life by dealing with my problems in a healthy, adult fashion.  I simply want them to . . . go . . . away.

This is all well and good, befitting my position in the world as a five year old in a decidedly not five year old body.  I think it's OK to try to overcome difficulties.  The thing with me is (Ed. note: this is what SuperK says to me all the time and it never ends well for me: "The thing about you is . . . ") I have no patience with difficulties and I'd prefer they go somewhere else.  Problems are part of life and problems are always going to be with me.  I'm not going to cope very well with the world if I have to get rid of them in their entirety.  It's not gonna happen,.

Bah humbug.  A pox on the soul of problems.  Fie thee hence, problems, and get thee behind me.

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