Saturday, February 16, 2013

Slamming Down the Phone

I hung up the phone yesterday on someone who was annoying the shit out of me.  One of the great things about cell phones is that you can plead "bad connection" when you hang up on someone; the drawback is that one is deprived of that great clanging sound that occurs when you slam down a land line with great violence. The agony and ecstasy of modern communication, I guess.  The funny thing is that I hung up on this dude at SuperK's prompting.  "Just hang up," she said.  I had the phone down at my side - I hadn't actually hung up before she spoke, although I was considering it, but I was too frustrated to listen to one more word come out of this guy's mouth.  Hanging up on someone who is annoying is SOP for me but pretty extreme for SuperK.

After I had cooled down a bit I called back and lied.  "Bad connection," I said.  "Sorry about that."  I'm not sure which course was the slipperier slope: slamming down a phone, then having to make an amend or the less satisfying clicking off of the connection followed by a gentle lie.  That, and when SuperK told me to hang up she didn't realize that the line was still open so the lie-ee may have heard the whole exchange.  If that was the case he should have called me on it.  "You stinking, miserable liar," he should have said.

This would be immature behavior for a 15 year old - I'm not sure what it's called in a 55 year old.  

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