Monday, February 11, 2013

Meaning, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Meaning

Meaning.  That's one of those vague concepts that gets me into trouble if I think about it too much.  I had a friend mention how much time and effort he's placing on finding "meaning" in his life as he gets older. He mentioned a prominent psychiatrist, a Holocaust survivor, who proposed that we can find meaning even in the midst of terrible difficulties.

To which the alcoholic replies: "Hey, no shit."

Hardly a novel idea, that.  It seems to me to be the keystone to achieving some acceptance in life; although not necessarily happiness, a goal that is misleading and frankly overrated.  Once we get it we worry that it'll go away.

So, weirdly enough, the destruction that alcohol and drugs bestows has been a blessing of sorts in my search for meaning.  It took a while but I figured out that Porsches, the corner office, no-obligation sexual encounters, and a big bank account were not found in any of The Steps, Traditions, Promises, or Concepts.

I have found meaning  in my relationship with a Higher Power.  I have found meaning in my halting pursuit of service to others, a concept that I totally, 100% learned in The Program.  I have a profound relationship with another human being, my wife, a completely foreign occurrence when I was drinking.

THAT'S some meaning.

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