Friday, February 22, 2013

Perpetual Motion

There's a guy who attends my regular 7AM meetings who often brings his daughter along - she's 4 or 5, quiet and well-behaved, and very popular with everyone.   This dude, who is the birthday chip coordinator for this group, showed up a little late with both his daughter and infant son, who appears to be about 2.  God did not program 2 year olds to sit quietly.  This little guy is a marvel of perpetual motion.  He was not unruly; he did not talk or yell or cry; he just moved, touching and investigating everything he could get his hands on.  My buddy wanted to come to the meeting because it was his 9 month anniversary and he wanted to share this with his home group.

His sponsor gave the short talk to get the meeting started.  It was nearly impossible to ignore the little boy - he was making a steady, sustained commotion.  The speaker soldiered on.  I've been there - I know how hard it is to keep your train of thought when there's a big racket in the background.  He reminded me of a jet fighter pilot trying to land his supersonic plane on an aircraft carrier at night.  In a thunderstorm.  With people shooting at him.

It was frustrating but the group closed ranks around the new guy.  He left early, as soon as he passed out the chips, and he called his sponsor to apologize.  He doesn't make a habit of bringing both of his kids - it is important that we conduct our meetings with respect and some sense of decorum.  It's also important that everyone has a place to go.

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