Thursday, September 27, 2012

Uniquely Qualified

Unique:  Different from all others; having no like or equal.

"Carry this message to other alcoholics!  You can help when no one else can.  You can secure their confidence when others fail."

"No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how we can benefit others."

We are uniquely qualified to help.  A drunk will refuse help from almost everyone - medical professionals, spiritual leaders, family members - but will listen to another drunk who has found a way out.  I will pay closer attention to a formerly homeless heroin addict than I will to almost any doctor; certainly that's a wise move as anyone can see.  And spiritual advice from someone with years of religious training and education?  Get the hell out of town - I'm heading back to the guy who drank a fifth of whiskey every day.  That's a guy who has found a good path to god.

A drunk leaves the bar and begins to stagger home.  He walks right through the construction tape and falls in a deep hole.  He starts to call for help.

A doctor walks by.  He writes a prescription, crumples it up, and bounces it off the drunk's forehead.

"Go to the pharmacy and fill that," he shouts down before walking off.

After a while a religious scholar walks by and listens to the drunk asking for help.  He writes down a prayer, attaches it to a rock, and drops it on top of the drunk's head, drawing blood but otherwise not solving the current problem.

"Say that prayer 50 times," he counsels, following the doctor into the night.

In a few minutes a sobered up alcoholic walks up.  Without pausing he jumps into the hole.  The drunk drunk is apoplectic.

"What are you doing!" he screams.  "Why didn't you go for help?  Why didn't you get a ladder?  Why didn't you splutter splutter splutter . . . "

"I've been down here before.  Many times," the alcoholic says, "and I know the way out."

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