Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Precious

Precious:  Of great value or price; costly.

If someone thinks that you are a fool, it's better to remain silent than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I was at the coffee shop a few days ago, sitting out in the sun, enjoying my overpriced specialty coffee drink.  There's a park across the street that serves as a bedroom for a rotating group of down-on-their-luckers.  Often one of them will stop by and try to bum some change from those of us hardy enough to sit outside.  I usually fish out a few coins or a buck.  It doesn't seem like a burden on me.  Frankly, I don't care where the money goes.  None of these guys or gals appear to be on a winning streak.  I don't assume anymore that I'm getting scammed.  I assume they have addiction problems or mental health issues or grew up in violent, dysfunctional homes.  It sure makes it easier to hand over that precious, precious dollar than imagining I'm dealing with a healthy person who is too lazy to work.  I don't see it in their faces, to be honest with you.

Today I watched a guy weave across the street.  Two steps forward, one step sideways, right across the middle of a busy thoroughfare.  This looked to me to be the effects of heroin or oxy - something more powerful than alcohol.  He walked right up to me and looked at my coffee.  

"That smells good," he said.

I waited patiently.

"What do you need?" I asked.

He looked at my coffee for a while longer.

"I could sure use a triple mocha," he decided.

Fair enough, I thought.  "How about a cup of coffee," I replied.

He looked at me for a long minute.  "A cup of coffee would be great," he said.

I came back outside with his coffee.  He thanked me and made what he probably assumed was a little small talk before drifting through the moving traffic to the park.

He showed up again today and worked a couple eating at a table next to me.  He asked them if they could spare some money for some food.

"What do you want to eat?" the man asked.

"A roast beef sandwich," the guy said.

"How about a bagel and cream cheese?" the man replied.

"A bagel and cream cheese would be great."

I spoke with the couple for a minute.  I thanked.  I told them they had made my day, because they had made my day.  Most people say no.  It doesn't seem especially kind to me.

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