Monday, June 29, 2009

Rational Lies

Rational: Of, based on, or derived from reasoning.
Lies: False statements or actions, especially one made with intent to deceive.
Rationalize: In psychology, to devise superficially rational, or plausible, explanations or excuses for (one's acts, beliefs, desires, etc), without being aware that these are not the real motives.

That may be the definition for rationalizing for a normally insane person but that is not how I approach the concept. I am perfectly capable of rationalizing what I know to be pure, unadulterated crap whipped up in the lab of a mad scientist. It's not often that I'm unaware that I'm doing it. I'm totally aware that I'm doing it. I enjoy doing it. It's my favorite hobby. It's a clever form of lying, and I have previously stated that I'm a great liar. If I could get paid for rationalizing my often ridiculous behavior I wouldn't even give notice at my current job, and I work for myself! I'd go right to Kinko's and get my business cards printed.

And while I normally pretend to allow other people to live their own lives and find their own way, I'll tell you that I see this in plenty of other recovering alcoholics. Maybe it's better when we know that we're doing it but, then again, maybe it's worse. How many times have I listened to some new guy try to spin some junk by me and thought: "No sense saying anything here because this dude believes what he's telling me. He's not lying -- he's delusional."

This is why I talk to my posse on the phone or over coffee so often. I want to see that look on their faces, that "You're going to do what now?" look. Man, do I ever know that look. It's not my favorite thing to see. But it's a look that tells me I'm trying to pull the wool over my own eyes.

Rationalize. Rational Lies. Not my play on words, actually. I read it in "The Grapevine," which is a great magazine.

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