Friday, February 20, 2009

True Friends

Vindictive: Revengeful in spirit; inclined to vengeance; stresses the unforgiving nature of one who is animated by a desire to get even with another for a wrong, injury, etc.

I took a call yesterday from Shorty. He's involved with an employee assistance program associated with his professional life, and travels here and there to pick up people who need to go to the hospital or detox or to have a health assessment done. Nice Twelfth Step work, good for the soul, although I don't see much improvement in Shorty. At least he's trying, God bless his soul.

While he was waiting for some guy to finish up his evaluation, he had driven to a local shopping center to kill a couple of hours. This particular outlet mall, that I know well, is right across the interstate from a 24 hour porn store. We were yukking it up, having a conversation about recovery and spirituality, and wondering if he should spend some time in the porn shop instead of the Bass Outlet Store. Shorty told me that he had a trunk full of guns owned by the guy he was trying to help. One of the requirements was that this man temporarily cede his weapons until he got back on his feet. Anger, alcohol, and firearms can be a little dicey.

I said this: "You know what I think I'm going to do, just for fun? I'm going to call the local highway patrol and tell them that I ran into an acquaintance this morning who was angrily loading a bunch of weapons into the trunk of his black Ford Taurus. He appeared to be drunk and was shouting about 'getting even with some SOB working at the exit 10 porn store.' His name is Joe Blow, but he frequently uses the alias 'Shorty' and he pretends to be a lawyer."

Shorty was laughing pretty hard, but I think I heard the tires on his car squealing.

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