Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Committee Recognizes Horseface Steve

Committee: A group of people chosen, as from the members of a legislature or club, to consider some matter or function is a certain capacity.

I got on the wrong side of The Committee right out of the chute this morning. I tried to have a Quiet Time. The Committee is opposed to The Quiet Time on every level imaginable. They have installed some new levels using Federal stimulus money just so they can develop new and creative methods of opposition. There is not a single Committee member who supports these attempts at calm. They vote against it, they sabotage it by spreading lies and innuendo, they fill it full of plastic explosives and try to blow it up. They really, really don't like The Quiet Time.

When I meditate I try to take back the night. I think that I should have some say so in what goes on in my mind. It is, after all, in my head. I feed it, keep it warm, and try to protect it from diseases, blunt instruments, and loud, clanging bells. I should at least have a non-binding vote. I should be allowed to voice my opinion.

The Committee begs to differ. They have been running the show for so long that they are loath to give up any control. They don't want to lose any members and they don't want to have their microphones turned off. The amplifiers they have go up to Eleven, which is one more than Ten, which is pretty loud.

The members aren't very creative, just insistent. They like to alternate between shouting: "Go! Go! Go!" with "No! Stop, you idiot! What are you doing? You're making a mess of everything." They prefer frenetic activity to calm reflection. The Quiet Time permits the owner of the head to wonder about some of the advice he's getting. "Go" doesn't seem to apply to every situation that comes up.

Deep, calming breaths.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am in phase 2 now, and it sucks. Its amazing how long I got by feeling pretty good, only doing a minimal amount of work. I guess this as they say separates the men from the boys. Here is where I say I am going to go do inventory, but really wont. Thanks as always for your insight, it really does help.