Monday, February 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Horseface Steve

Tolerance: A tolerating or being tolerant, especially of other's views, beliefs, practices, etc.: freedom from bigotry or prejudice.

Generally speaking people get on my nerves. It's not their fault, either, as far as I can tell. It's me. I understand this. I have nerves the size of aircraft carriers. It's almost possible not to trod upon them if you are within a couple of miles of my position. And they're not only huge -- they're incredibly sensitive. The CIA has abducted me a couple of times and forced me to provide some nerve material for their super-secret-sensitive listening devices. My nerves are on all of the best military satellites, listening in to the Bad Guys from the deep reaches of outer space.

But the fact of the matter is that I can work up some instantaneous judgemental irritation, like it's instant oatmeal or ramen noodles. Anyone can set me off. It doesn't require a particular action or comment or point of view, and it doesn't center around a personality type. It's an automatic biological response. People are big, juicy hamburgers and they make my saliva glands flow. It's not easily controllable. I can't will myself not to sweat.

This is all part of my need to be better than you. If you are better than me in any way: smarter (not likely), better looking (who's better looking than me? I mean, come on), richer (distressingly common, actually), etc. etc. then I can generate a resentment and let the judging begin. And if I really do think I'm better than you, man, does my arrogance kick in.

I have a lot of work to do.

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