Thursday, June 6, 2024

Yacht Wind Sprints

Share yourself and the world will respond.  Why in the world do I spend so much time looking for the world to supply me with happiness?  Why do I think I need to take and get and receive to be happy?  It makes no sense.  Either that, or it makes perfect sense.  Sometimes it's hard to overcome the very human instincts that keep me alive while often making me unhappy.  "If only I had that piece of stuff - then I would be happy.   If only that bad piece of stuff would go away then I would be comfortable and then I would be happy."  I'm the black hole of needs.  Everything gets sucked into this void, to disappear and never come back, and the void's maw is always gaping and there's never enough stuff to fill up that hole.  I'm a big morass of inexhaustible holes that can never be filled.

Jeebus H. Christ, am I an idiot.  I was on a cruise ship recently.  A very small cruise ship as cruise ships go but it was still pretty big.  I was marveling at the fact that there are billionaires with yachts bigger than this ship.  I can't imagine it.  What would you do with all that room?  I can see having a yacht, even a pretty big yacht, even a really big yacht, but a yacht that's one hundred fifty yards long?  What are they doing on that ship - wind sprints?

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